Heavy Equipment Cleaning Company In EAU CLAIRE, WI
We Are Committed To Your 100% Satisfaction
Heavy Equipment Cleaning Done Right!
Our heavy equipment cleaning services thoroughly clean your heavy machinery, ensuring your business runs smoothly. Our experienced technicians use advanced cleaning methods and specialized tools to ensure that your equipment is completely sanitized and free of dirt, grease, and debris. We are also equipped with the latest cleaning technologies, allowing us to perform our services quickly and efficiently. Our services include steam cleaning and pressure washing to remove all dirt and grime from your equipment.
Our team will also use specialized cleaning solutions to extract oil and grease from the surfaces of your heavy machinery. We take pride in our commitment to customer service and satisfaction. All of our services come with a guarantee of quality, reliability, and safety. Our team can answer any questions and guide you on maintaining your heavy equipment best. With our heavy equipment cleaning services, you can rest assured that your business will run smoothly and efficiently without unnecessary downtime due to dirty machinery.
Improved performance and productivity.
Improved safety of personnel and equipment.
Reduced wear and tear on components.
Improved visibility of controls.
Reduced risk of breakdowns and engine malfunctions.
Reduced risk of electrical fires.
Professional Heavy Equipment Cleaning
Our heavy equipment cleaning services will make you the talk of the job site! Our experienced team will come to your property, assess the job, and choose the best methods and products to make your equipment look new. We use the latest and most effective cleaning solutions to ensure that your equipment is left looking brand new. With our deep cleaning, we‘ll remove all the built–up dirt, grease, and dirt from your equipment, restoring it to its original, pristine condition. Your competitors will be envious of the sparkling clean equipment and will be sure to inquire about the services you used to achieve such clean results.
Plus, you‘ll enjoy the benefits of having your equipment looking its best for years to come. With our heavy equipment cleaning services, you‘ll be the talk of the job site! Lastly, our team will take great care in protecting your property and equipment, taking extra precautions to ensure that no damage is done. With our services, you can be sure that you’ll get top-notch results at a price you can afford.
Improved fuel efficiency.
Reduced emissions.
Reduced cost of repairs.
Increased machine lifespan.

Why Choose Midwest Power Washing?
Our Expert Heavy Equipment Cleaning Services in Eau Claire, WI
Heavy equipment requires regular cleaning and maintenance to keep them running in peak condition. That’s why our expert heavy equipment cleaning services are designed to ensure that your equipment is adequately taken care of and lasts as long as possible. We use the latest cleaning technologies and industry-leading products to clean your heavy equipment thoroughly. Our specialized cleaning services are tailored to meet the needs of your business, and our experienced technicians are trained to handle any cleaning job.
Our technicians can handle all types of heavy equipment, from industrial machinery to agricultural machinery and construction vehicles. We also specialize in cleaning off-road vehicles and other specialized equipment. With our expert heavy equipment cleaning services, you can ensure that your equipment will be adequately cared for and remain in top condition.
Reduced risk of slips, trips, and falls.
Increased operator comfort.
Reduced need for costly downtime due to cleaning.
Improved visual appeal.
Reduced need for lubrication.
Reduced risk of pests and disease-carrying organisms.

Here’s what you can count on from Midwest Power Washing
Our heavy equipment cleaning services are designed to maintain your equipment in optimal condition. Our expert team of technicians has the experience and knowledge to get the job done right. We use specialized cleaning agents to remove grease and oil from the surfaces. This will ensure that your equipment is free from any contaminants that could lead to wear and tear or damage. We also offer custom services tailored to your equipment’s needs. Whether it’s removing rust, polishing metal surfaces, or applying protective coatings, our team can do it all.
We also provide scheduled maintenance services to ensure your heavy equipment stays in top condition. Our heavy equipment cleaning services are designed to be efficient and cost-effective. We understand that your equipment is an important asset and needs to be well-maintained. With our services, you can rest easy knowing that your equipment is in the best hands. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and start maintaining your heavy equipment!
Reduced risk of injuries.
Reduced risk of corrosion.
Improved environmental compliance.
Reduced risk of contamination from chemicals and other pollutants.
Heavy equipment cleaning services are valuable to businesses and organizations of all sizes. Our services help maintain the value of your equipment and ensure it runs efficiently and safely. We use specialized cleaning techniques and equipment to clean and restore heavy equipment. With regular cleaning, businesses can ensure that their equipment is safe and efficient, helping to reduce downtime and increase productivity.





Pressure Washing
We Make Heavy Equipment Cleaning Easy!

Contact Us
Get in touch to learn more about our pressure washing services and why they are essential for your home or business maintenance.

Schedule An Appointment
Book your appointment with Midwest Power Washing today! We will provide you a with a free estimate for your home or business.

We Do The Work
Our technicians at Midwest Power Washing will ensure that your property is well taken care of while you sit back and relax hassle-free!

Your Property Is Sparkling
Your property will be left looking brand new, increasing your curb appeal and ensuring that your investment is taken care of.
Request an Instant Quote
For a sparkling clean home, reach out to Midwest Power Washing in Eau Claire, WI, for professional house washing services. Get your free quote today and let us handle the hassle while you enjoy a spotless and refreshed home.
Don't miss the chance to enhance your home's curb appeal—contact us now!

Professional Results




other Expert Services For Your Home Or Business

Pressure washing is an ideal way to clean and restore the exterior surfaces of your home.

House washing provides a professional and reliable way to keep your home looking its best.

Roof cleaning can help keep your roof looking like new and expand the life of your investment!

Gutter washing helps to keep your home clean and free of grime, mold, and debris.

Pressure Washing
Commercial pressure washing provides a quick and efficient way to maintain your property.

Equipment Cleaning
Our agricultural equipment cleaning services ensure that your equipment is in top condition and ready to use.

Equipment Cleaning
Our heavy equipment cleaning services are the perfect solution for your business. We keep your machinery functioning correctly.

Our fleet washing services are designed to keep your fleet vehicles looking clean, professional, and looking their best.

Dam Removal
We provide an efficient way for homeowners to eliminate ice dams, preventing damage to your roof and underlying structure.